The fact is that most people have very little knowledge about how their information systems - their computers, the servers, databases, and applications they use regularly, and the internet at large - really work. All they know is that they both enjoy and need these things for the purposes of accessing information, conversing with others, accomplishing their work tasks, and acquiring enjoyable content.
For this reason, it is not so simple to just say that IT safety is common sense. Being safe requires a basic knowledge of how things work coupled with a basic knowledge of those things one ought to look out for.
For example, unless I already understand the concept of ClickJacking, I am going to be at much greater risk of being a victim because I am one of those proverbial "easy targets."
It is for this exact reason that you never received the correct answers to the questionnaire earlier. It is not actually terribly important that you know the proper names for various types of hacks that are out there. All that really matters is that you are aware of the basic concepts and common pitfalls, that you are aware these things exist.
Here are the questions that DO matter: