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And the Winners are…

The real winners are ALL OF US! We did some ridiculous work in March:

17,056 Minutes Active - That’s 284 hours, just about 12 full days!

13,311 Push-Ups - If we assume that averaged out over all of us, the amalgam OREFian weighs 150 Lbs, that means we lifted 1,996,650 Lbs in March, or just about 1,000 US tons!

93 Classes - I don’t know how else to quantify that. It’s just a lot.

But in the spirit of friendly competition, there were actual winners, and they need to be acknowledged.

Minutes Active Winners

First Place: Peter (2,305 Minutes)Second Place: Alexa (1,687 Minutes)Third Place: Jordan (1,500 Minutes)

First Place: Peter (2,305 Minutes)

Second Place: Alexa (1,687 Minutes)

Third Place: Jordan (1,500 Minutes)

Push-Ups Winners

First Place: Peter (5,210 Push-Ups)Second Place: Analisse (1,275 Push-Ups)Third Place: Jordan (850 Push-Ups)

First Place: Peter (5,210 Push-Ups)

Second Place: Analisse (1,275 Push-Ups)

Third Place: Jordan (850 Push-Ups)

Classes Winners

First Place: Julieta (12 Classes)Second Place: Alexa (11 Classes)Third Place: Christine (4 Classes)

First Place: Julieta (12 Classes)

Second Place: Alexa (11 Classes)

Third Place: Christine (4 Classes)

About the Challenge

The First Annual Move It March challenge is designed to encourage OREF employees to take time to get outside (or stay inside), and become more physically active.

We will focus on ways to improve our health and wellbeing through activities such as walking during lunch breaks, attending virtual Zumba classes, taking your bike out for a ride, and building strength in your living room.

Here’s How It Works

Every day (or week, or fortnight, whatever works for you), log your activity in the activity log on this site.

It’s the honor system, so please don’t log 1,000,000 push ups when really you did 4.5 and congratulated yourself with a donut and a nap.

The individuals with the greatest achievement in each of the following categories will be named the OREF gold medalist:

  • Most Time Spent Active

  • Most Virtual Fitness Classes

  • Most Push-Ups

In addition to greater health and fitness, bragging rights, and the inevitable global fame and renown that will go along with the win (and possibly even a shoe deal with Nike once they hear about your achievement, who knows), the gold medalists will be awarded a $100 gift card from one of the following companies of their choice:

  • Adidas

  • REI

  • Parks Project

Good luck, and happy sweating.


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