When an order has been sent from the USMS, it will first appear in TRACK.
in TRACK (Navigate to Settings > Tasks )
Search on Asset (CATS ID) and/or Description (CLIN = 498423 - Custody)
(Note: IT is reviewing; going through Tasks does not work well. Going through Order screen does, but access cannot be given to all. IT is looking for a solution.)
Analysts are notified that Custody has been ordered for a given asset via email. After a Custody order has been approved a report is sent to the appropriate analyst containing an Excel spreadsheet with a list of properties approved for Custody. There should also be a custody task associated each property listed in the email (excel sheet). There should be a CATS ID or a Pre-Seizure ID depending on the situation. There may be specific instructions from the USMS district provided in the comment section as well.
Within 24 hours of XYZ, the custody analyst should reach out to the USMS to schedule a custody date. The USMS contact for that order is determined by reviewing the order in TRACK. If there is no contact designated in the comment section, the custody analyst should contact the requester of that order.