This is the act of verifying that the order is accurate & complete. The accuracy of a submission (order) may vary across seizing agencies. For example, the email must be valid. For the USMS, in addition being deliverable, the email must be external (visible to the public) facing.
Ensure that Requester Email ends in the external domain, “” [any other DOJ/USMS domain is internal, resulting in undelivered emails/products]
Verify Asset Code [CATS ID and/or USMS Pre-Seizure No.] is in the system
Check for duplicate assets. if more than one asset appears in search by asset id :: then code is a duplicate
Verify Address matches Asset Code
Check for duplicate assets. if more than one asset appears in search by address:: then address is a a duplicate
Check Order for completion and validity
Complete street address, city, state, county, zip [county can be back-filled]
Look for Purported Owners, and Assessor's Parcel Number(s) (APN) [orders can be approved w/out these, but only if all other info is present]
Examine Order for appropriate CLINs
Check for duplicate CLIN orders in asset file
CLIN types must match Property type
Residential CLIN, or
Commercial CLIN
Pre-seizure Orders should have
Legal & Title Services
Pre-seizure Analysis
Custody Orders: Reconcile w/Custody Order Checklist
Disposal By Sale
Only approve if asset has had Custody ordered previously, or
if combined w/ full Custody order
Check that the appropriate amounts been selected for each CLIN
Review any Comments/Notes provided
Based on the review, the following can occur either at the order or CLIN level: